
Da PoliArch.


There are two ways for using Partimage:

  • Using the command line es. partimage -b -d save /dev/sda1 sda1
  • Using the GUI (Graphical user interface). The simplest method

A command list is available typing:

# partimage --help

Save the partitions table

There are different ways to save the partitions table, following there are the most common:

Using dd

For saving the MBR

# dd if=/dev/sd[x] of=./sd[x].mbr count=100 bs=512

Using sfdisk

For saving the extended partitions list

# sfdisk -d /dev/sd[x] > ./sd[x].sf

Using fdisk

For an eventual manual reconstruction

# fdisk -l /dev/sd[x] > ./sd[x].f
Warning: The generated files must be secured, for ex. on a CD/DVD/USB in order to easily work on the HDD with no risks

Save a partition

In this example we'll use the command line for execute a backup, using the GUI is enough to follow the video showed indications

# partimage -b -d save /dev/sd[x] sd[x]

Restore the partitions table

Using dd

For restoring the MBR

# dd if=./sd[x].mbr of=/dev/sd[x] ; partprobe

Using sfdisk

For restore the extended partition list

# sfdisk /dev/sd[x] < ./sd[x].mbr ; partprobe

Using fdisk

For a manual reconstruction

# cat sd[x].f

notes the partitions values and recreates them using fdisk

# fdisk /dev/sd[x]

Restore a partition

# partimage -b -d restore /dev/sd[x] ./sd[x].000

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