Installation from USB-EN

Da PoliArch.

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By PoliArch you can start the setup to install the system on your hard disk to start the setup must have a device to the system PoliArch on board in this regard see:



script written in Bash to simplify the installation of (Poly) Arch Linux.

This article summarizes a basic process of installation with these scripts.


  • Remember to make all stacked block devices like LVM, LUKS or RAID.
  • If you are using (U) EFI'll probably need another partition for the system partition (UEFI FAT32> = 512Mb).
  • Format partitions

Mounting partitions

  • Mount the root partition on /mnt

You must also create the directories to mount other partitions (eg /mnt/boot, /mnt/home, etc. ..) if you want to be taken over by "genfstab."

Install the base system

Before proceeding you must edit the file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist by enabling mirror to your liking and making sure that it is at the top of the list. This copy of the mirrorlist will also be installed on the new system pacstrap, then should set it right. Use the script pacstrap ( that will install the base system. The group base-devel should be installed if you plan to compile software from the AUR or using ABS.

# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel

Other packages can be installed by adding their names to the previous command (Separated by a space), including the bootloader you want.

Install Bootloader


System BIOS
# pacstrap /mnt grub-bios
EFI Systems
# pacstrap /mnt grub-efi-x86_64

Installing GRUB after the chroot (/mnt).


# pacstrap /mnt syslinux

Configure the system

  • Generate a fstab file with the following command (if you prefer to use the

UUIDs or labels, add -U or -L):

# genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
  • Enter through chroot into our new system installed.
# arch-chroot /mnt
  • Write your hostname in /etc/hostname
# echo "pc-name"> /etc/hostname
  • Create a symbolic link from /usr/share/zoneinfo/Zone/Subzone /etc/localtime

Replace Zone and Subzone according to your preferences. For example:

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome/etc/localtime
  • Set your local in /etc/locale.gen
# locale-gen
  • Configure /etc/mkinitcpio.conf according to your need (usually leave unchanged) and create the initial ramdisk image with:
# mkinitcpio-p linux

Configure the bootloader

  • For syslinux, edit the file /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg to point to the right

partition of / (root). Then type the following command to install (-i), set the boot flag (-a) and install on the MBR (-m).:

# syslinux-install_update -iam


# grub-install /dev/sdX

Now create the file grub.cfg

# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • Set the root password with
# Passwd
  • Remove the mounted partitions
# cd; umount /mnt/*; umount /mnt

NOTE: If you are still in a chroot environment, hanging out with

# Exit


# Ctrl + D

Restart your computer and continue the configuration of the new system installed.

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